There was the new element that currently becomes part of the important decoration in a marriage, actually the row of photographs that depicted the happiness bride.
Yes, photographs prewedding currently was becoming trend and each couple then wanted to publish him to the friend to also take part in feeling the happiness that was implied from the colour of the face both of them.
But, produced the photograph prewedding like this not be as easy turned the hands palm.
Not only reliability the Photographer who was needed here, but also preparations that were well thought out from the concept to face makeup and clothes that will be put on.
If face makeup, hair, and clothes were not in accordance with the concept, certainly will not put forward the theme that was wanted.
On the other hand, clothes comfort was very influential towards your comfort personally when being stylish in front of the camera.
Imagined if clothes that were put on by you were really not comfortable, for example to be felt itchy or very hot, without being realised by this discomfort will be drawn from your face expression.
Decisively the location of photography also needed special consideration.
Want to outdoor or indoor, all just very legal, during in accordance with your character and the couple as well as the concept that were chosen.
Sometimes, in one photography day in fact took two location kinds at the same time.
Both indoor and outdoor or used the yard of rural areas and the city so as to put forward the unique work.
Not somewhat also that was deliberate took the location that was full of the memory when going out.
It is not surprising that finally there is one that is willing very far until crossing the island, like to Bali to get setting that was beautiful at the same time recalling the memory.
By that, one of the supporters of the good photograph was the accuracy of face makeup.
If necessary, used the professional service to get best makeup.
No need to put on excessive makeup, the touch of natural makeup will increasingly put forward the attraction of your beauty.
While photography took place, make up artist this usually also joined in as well as to improve makeup so that the face continues to be seen fresh and was not oily.
Further, when the lens began to be aimed remembered the main key to getting the best photograph, having a natural attitude and relaxing.
In order to the aim got the best photograph, not rare the two candidates bride more paid attention to the style that will be carried out.
But, instead of got the best photograph, both of them were precisely seen stiff in front of the camera.
The warmth as well as the happiness among them finally then were not comprehended the camera lens.
When necessary, asked the couple you to communicate, where this happiness could be drawn both through the eyes and the touch that finally had been caught the camera.
Therefore, need not be troubled with the style or angle that was best, let this matter became the task the Photographer to guide you.
on Tuesday, March 18 2008
Selasa, 25 Maret 2008
When the Photograph spoke
Minggu, 23 Maret 2008
Bedah Plastik untuk Kesehatan dan Kecantikan
Dibenak orang awam, setiap kali mendengar kata bedah plastik yang terbayang adalah suatu 'operasi' untuk mengubah bentuk fisik tubuh yang terkait erat dengan kecantikan.
Pendapat ini tak sepenuhnya salah. Walaupun konon bisa membuat seseorang terlihat lebih muda hingga beberapa tahun, namun bedah plastik ternyata juga memiliki peran yang cukup besar bagi kesehatan, baik kesehatan fisik atau mental.
Bisa jadi Anda akan bertanya-tanya, apa benar fungsi tubuh bisa di perbaiki dengan bedah plastik. Rudy Halimun dari AiBee memberikan beberapa contoh kasus bedah plastik yang berguna bagi kesehatan, antara lain:
1. Bedah plastik untuk bibir sumbing yang selain berfungsi untuk membantu menghilangkan sengau juga memperbaiki kondisi bibir agar terlihat normal. Bahkan pada beberapa kasus, 98% bekas operasi pada penderita bibir sumbing tidak terlihat lagi.
2. Kelopak mata pada orang tua yang menjadi tebal dan berat bisa ditipiskan dengan adanya bedah plastik. Dengan kelopak yang lebih tipis, tentu akan memudahkan mereka membuka mata, sehinga area pandang menjadi lebih luas.
3. Untuk yang menderita polip juga bisa terbantu dengan adanya bedah tulang. Selain memperbaiki konstruksi tulang, bedah plastik juga bisa membantu agar hidung terlihat lebih indah.
4. Pada beberapa perempuan yang memiliki kasus payudara yang melebihi ukuran normal sehingga 'harus' membungkuk lantaran berat, bisa melakukan bedah plastik untuk memperkecil ukuran payudara, sehingga ia tidak perlu lagi membungkuk dan menahan beban berat. Dengan bentuk tubuh yang lebih tegap, secara estetika tentu akan jauh lebih menarik.
5. Bagi mereka yang mengalami kecelakaan hingga mengakibatkan kerusakan pada tubuh juga bisa dilakukan bedah plastik. Sebuah kasus yang pernah terjadi adalah hilangnya tulang rahang akibat kecelakaan. Lalu diambillah beberapa tulang pengganti dari bagian lain untuk membentuk rahang yang baru, sehingga rasa percaya dirinya timbul lagi.
Dari beberapa kasus diatas, jelas terlihat bawa bedah plastik bukan hanya memperbaiki nilai estetika tubuh, namun juga berfungsi bagi kesehatan fisik dan mental sehingga bisa memberikan rasa percaya diri.